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Seeking continuous improvement of its software to offer the best VMS solution on the market, Mirasys releases the latest version of its video management system. The VMS 8.3.7 comes with new features and under-the-hood improvements. Here is what’s is new in Mirasys VMS.


Automatic camera highlight on map

Automatic device highlight on the map can be set on in Profile Map settings. Once the setting is on and the device is opened or selected from the device grid, profile map shows the map where the device is located and highlights the device with animation.

Export from alarm in alarm search

Adding alarm recordings to export and to storyboard can be done from alarm search export buttons.

Profile settings search

Search from all profiles can be done from System Manager profile tab. If a search finds devices or folders, also parent folders are shown. ‘*’ is used as a special character: if search text contains ‘*’ character and search text matches a

profile folder name, the whole content of the found folder is shown.

Profile settings contain also the possibility to search from source trees (VMS server, profile and plugin trees) and from the profile tree.

Number of logged in users

System Manager users tab shows the total number of users that are currently logged in to VMS system.

New joystick commands

There is a number of new commands that can be used with joystick device in Spotter. Check out below the new commands:

  • Maximize and restore Spotter window

  • Set PTZ camera to the home position

  • Select the previous and next camera from the device grid

  • Select and open previous and next camera from device tree folder

  • Create quick storyboard entry

  • Create quick bookmark entry

  • Snapshot from the selected camera

  • Open the previous camera

HTTP commands from profile map button

HTTP commands can be defined in new System Manager commands settings. Command settings can be found from System Manager system settings.

HTTP commands can be defined, edited and deleted in command settings. Settings shows configured commands and information if the command is used or not. In use, icon tooltip shows more information where the command is being used. Configured HTTP commands operation can be tested directly from the settings dialog.

HTTP command has unique name and several other fields that are needed to perform HTTP command request.

Commands can be used in the profile map by defining a command button in System Manager profile settings. Profile map command button can run several commands in parallel or in sequential mode. User can define button colors and text.

Possibility to open saved tab in Spotter to replace the current tab by pressing ‘ctrl’ key when opening saved tab

When opening saved tab content from Spotter profile tree, saved tab content is opened to a new tab by default. By pressing ‘ctrl’ key when opening saved tab, currently open tab is replaced by the saved tab content.

More fine-grained small time values for camera tour functionality in Spotter Camera carousel plugin and Camera tab tour

Camera switch times has more small-time value options in camera carousel plugin and camera tour in Spotter. The minimum switching time is still 5s.

Support for saved tabs in Spotter Public Web API

Spotter Public Web API has now support for saved tabs. Please see more details on Spotter Public Web API documentation (Spotter Public Web API SDK.pdf).

Other feature changes

  • Spotter text data view performance improved

  • Added support for virtual joystick in Spotter

  • Optimized PTZ camera control with AVM

  • Device view text size can set in Spotter settings

  • Added support of zoom in and out to Spotter browser plugin

  • Profile map button size can be set smaller

  • Playback can be used with Spotter camera carousel plugin if the tour is in a paused state

  • VMS server device names and descriptions are synchronized between master and slaves

  • Map link button text color can be set in profile map

  • Added default grid settings for profile map devices plugin

  • Optimized camera carousel plugin streams handling and added setting for next camera tour stream prepare time

  • Improved performance of Spotter text data view


  • Fix: Monitor manager didn’t work when AVM API port number was changed

  • Fix: Save and print shortcuts don’t work in Profile Map Devices plugin

  • Fix: Spotter got stuck when running as AVM Display Server

  • Fix: Spotter crash with alarm popup

  • Fix: Spotter got stuck when running alarm popup

  • Fix: Spotter memory leak with alarm popup

  • Fix: Automatic stream selection in Spotter with same resolutions streams will select the stream with a higher frame rate

  • Fix: Several fixes to joystick commands handling with AVM

  • Fix: Input device settings in Spotter could not be saved on some rare occasions

  • Fix: ‘_’ character was not shown in Spotter device grid tab title text

  • Fix: Spotter got stuck on settings update to storyboard list update

  • Fix: Profile map icons size in System Manager and in Spotter is not the same

  • Fix: Camera tour controls can be used in Spotter even if not allowed in Spotter user role

  • Fix: Camera tour controls unusable in Spotter if playback is not allowed in Spotter user role

  • Fix: Map level in Spotter profile map changed on settings update

  • Fix: Spotter crash when setting default setup for joystick

  • Fix: WDServer crash on access violation

  • Fix: Canceling settings in Spotter switched Spotter user interface language to English

  • Fix: Spotter crash when alarm popup is set to close automatically after alarm ends

  • Fix: VMS server watchdog events not processed by Master server in some rare occasions

  • Fix: Intel codec usage with older Intel CPU/GPU

  • Fix: Switch user in Spotter with 2-factor authentication on caused authentication error

  • Miscellaneous minor and cosmetic changes

Next weeks Mirasys is going to promote a LIVE webinar to talk about the new VMS V8.3.7. Follow Mirasys on LinkedIn and Youtube to get know!

Learn more about the new features or download the new version directly on the Extranet. Any doubt, please contact Mirasys Technical Support.

If you are interested in acquiring Mirasys solutions, get in touch with a Mirasys expert:

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