Maximise operational efficiency through automatic vehicle identification
The Mirasys License Plate Recognition (LPR) plugin is a VMS Spotter add-on product that provides camera based vehicle identification that automates processes based on recognising license plates.
Track and regulate access
Trigger alarms based on access control
Optimises and eliminates manual processes
Supports a wide range of different application scenarios

Multilingual Recognition

High Recognition Rate

Fast Recognition

Cost-effective Technology
Real-time vehicle monitoring
Importing and Exporting plate number lists
Multiple license plate search criteria with a single camera
Uploading plate number list to the cameras​
Plate Number List Management: Allow list and Block list
Alarm triggering from: other plate detected; block list plate detected; Allow list plate detected

Live view shows time, detected plate number information, list of the plate and picture of the detected plate number​​.
Users can easily go playback view from selected time by clicking the needed plate number line​.
Mirasys Easy LPR - live view

From the search view users can search plate numbers with filters:​​
Specific time​
Time period​
Partial or full plate number
Mirasys Easy LPR - search view

The list management allows the user to manage
Allowlist and Blocklists​​
Add, edit and remove plate numbers​​
Import and export large amounts of plate numbers​​
Upload lists to the LPR cameras(multiple cameras at the same time)​
Mirasys Easy LPR - list management